Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Buying a Thermomix - the (not so) hard sell!

After hearing many of my friends rave about their new whiz bang kitchen appliance that does everything (but the dishes I might least favourite job!) I decided I must check it out for myself!

I attended a 'casual' demonstration at a CWA meeting invited by my Grandma :) This was my chance to be won over and to head home to hubby with a million reasons why I could justify the money! It was mostly older ladies at the demo, who were content with the way they cook for their families and whilst interested to see what the Thermo could do, it was clear there was not a lot of interest in sales. Disappointingly the demonstrator showed almost as little interest, whilst she cooked a few recipes, she didn't really 'sell' the machine. I went home to hubby dejected, with a 'yeah it was pretty good but not amazing, I didn't think I could justify the cost' :(

Fast forward a month and more peer pressure from my friends on the amazing things a Thermo could do and I decided to have a night out with the girls at a friends demo. What a world of difference an awesome, passionate demonstrator can make. Without being pushy, she 'sold' the thermomix, explained many different functions, how it worked best for her family (allergies, removing additives and preservatives), how it could help our families if we had any specific issues and most importantly of all cooked up a series of delicious meals (outside of the 'standard' demo recipes) which had us all asking for more!!!

I spent the demo, calculating in my head, can we afford it (just!), will I use it (I bloody hope so if I buy it!!!), will my hubby kill me (hopefully not....I mean he does love me he needs someone to look after our lovely kiddies :P ) I got home and chewed my hubby's ear off with my pre-rehearsed list of reasons why i needed it, wanted it and how I'd cook him the most delicious meals and treats. He was surprisingly easy to persuade, I think he knew how much thinking I'd done about the purchase and he happily trusted me to make the right decision (isn't he a darling!)

So two months on, I've decided to create this blog as a reminder to myself of all the wins (and disasters) I have along my thermomix journey, recipes that are a success (especially with my two kiddies - aged 1 and 3) and with my fussy, meat and three veg hubby (probably to be truthful he's a meat, pasta/rice and one veg kinda guy :P )

Hope you enjoy the read, as I've enjoyed searching the many other blogs and facebook pages out there for new ideas along the way!

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